
August 16, 2006

TruTV Performance/Schedule Analysis

Network Overview |  Performance/Schedule Analysis |  In Development Strategic Opportunities |  Archives/Press |  truTV Website NETWORK OVERVIEW   NETWORK: truTV NETWORK TAGLINE: “Not Reality. Actuality.” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: truTV is television’s destination for real-life stories told from an exciting and dramatic first-person perspective and features high-stakes, action-packed originals that give viewers access to places and […]

August 16, 2006

Court TV Performance/Schedule Analysis – August 2006

NETWORK OVERVIEW NETWORK: truTV NETWORK TAGLINE: “Not Reality. Actuality.” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: truTV is television’s destination for real-life stories told from an exciting and dramatic first-person perspective and features high-stakes, action-packed originals that give viewers access to places and situations they can’t normally experience. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Crime, Documentary, Reality TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Men 18-49, Men […]

August 16, 2006

Comedy Central Strategic Opportunities – August 2009

STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES Comedy ranks among the top 10 cablers for the 18-34 demographic, and mainly with a mix of their original series, stand-up and sketch, not off-net acquisitions like most of the other cable networks. Originals are sketch, stand-up, reality. Comedy over the past year or so has actively been buying movie packages from many […]

August 16, 2006

Comedy Central Strategic Opportunities – July 2009

STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES Comedy ranks among the top 10 cablers for the 18-34 demographic, and mainly with a mix of their original series, stand-up and sketch, not off-net acquisitions like most of the other cable networks. Originals are sketch, stand-up, reality. Comedy over the past year or so has actively been buying movie packages from many […]

August 16, 2006

Comedy Central Press Releases 2006

  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2006 GOVERNOR TOM VILSACK TO APPEAR ON “THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART” MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 AT 11:00 P.M. ——–“Indecision 2008″ Begins As First Announced Candidate Makes His Way To Stewart’s New York Studio——– NEW YORK, December 14, 2006 — Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack will make his first appearance as a […]

August 16, 2006

CMT Strategic Opportunities

Network Overview |  Performance/Schedule Analysis |  In Development Strategic Opportunities | Archives/Press |  CMT Website NETWORK OVERVIEW   NETWORK: CMT NETWORK TAGLINE: None at present.DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: CMT features original programs, live concert series and music videos. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Awards Ceremonies, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Movies, Music TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Adults and Women, 25-54 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS: […]

August 16, 2006

CMT Strategic Opportunities – August 2009

STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES CMT prides itself on knowing its audience.  Focusing on music, but paying respect to all that is country, shows dealing with wholesome American interests are at the core of their schedule. DALLAS COWBOYS, TRICK MY TRUCK, COWBOY U and classic shows like DUKES OF HAZARD and HEE HAW.  Think All-American when thinking of […]

August 16, 2006

CMT Performance/Schedule Analysis

Network Overview |  Performance/Schedule Analysis |  In Development Strategic Opportunities | Archives/Press |  CMT Website NETWORK OVERVIEW   NETWORK: CMT NETWORK TAGLINE: None at present.DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: CMT features original programs, live concert series and music videos. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Awards Ceremonies, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Movies, Music TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Adults and Women, 25-54 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS: […]

August 16, 2006

CMT Performance/Schedule Analysis – May 2008

NETWORK OVERVIEW NETWORK: CMT NETWORK TAGLINE: None at present.DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: CMT features original programs, live concert series and music videos. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Awards Ceremonies, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Movies, Music TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Adults and Women, 25-54 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS: 88.9 millionPARENT COMPANY: Viacom SISTER NETWORKS: CMT HD, CMT Pure Country, BET, BET Centric, Comedy Central, […]

August 16, 2006

CMT Performance/Schedule Analysis – August 2006

NETWORK OVERVIEW NETWORK: CMT NETWORK TAGLINE: None at present.DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: CMT features original programs, live concert series and music videos. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Awards Ceremonies, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Movies, Music TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Adults and Women, 25-54 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS: 88.9 millionPARENT COMPANY: Viacom SISTER NETWORKS: CMT HD, CMT Pure Country, BET, BET Centric, Comedy Central, […]

August 16, 2006

CMT Performance/Schedule Analysis – July 2006

NETWORK OVERVIEW NETWORK: CMT NETWORK TAGLINE: None at present.DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: CMT features original programs, live concert series and music videos. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Awards Ceremonies, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Movies, Music TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Adults and Women, 25-54 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS: 88.9 millionPARENT COMPANY: Viacom SISTER NETWORKS: CMT HD, CMT Pure Country, BET, BET Centric, Comedy Central, […]

August 16, 2006

Bravo Press Releases 2006

  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2006 BRAVO AIRS 10-EPISODE MARATHON OF NBC’S CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED  DRAMA “FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS,” SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 9 AM-7 PM ET/PT NEW YORK, NY  — December  28, 2006  —  Bravo airs back-to-back episodes of NBC’s critically-lauded freshman drama, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS with a ten-hour marathon, Saturday, December 30, 9am-7pm ET/PT.  Inspired by the […]

August 16, 2006

Bravo Performance/Schedule Analysis

Network Overview | Performance/Schedule Analysis | In Development Strategic Opportunities | Archives/Press | Bravo Website NETWORK OVERVIEW   NETWORK: Bravo NETWORK TAGLINE: “Only By Bravo” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: Bravo is the cable network that plugs people into arts, entertainment and pop culture with original programming, acclaimed drama series, movies, comedy and music specials, and by […]

August 16, 2006

Bravo Performance/Schedule Analysis – May 2008

August 16, 2006

Bravo Performance/Schedule Analysis – August 2006

NETWORK OVERVIEW NETWORK: Bravo NETWORK TAGLINE: “Only By Bravo” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: Bravo is the cable network that plugs people into arts, entertainment and pop culture with original programming, acclaimed drama series, movies, comedy and music specials, and by showing a whole different side of celebrities. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Arts, Drama, Comedy, Music, Reality TARGET […]

August 16, 2006

Bravo Performance/Schedule Analysis – December 2007

NETWORK OVERVIEW NETWORK: Bravo NETWORK TAGLINE: “Only By Bravo” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: Bravo is the cable network that plugs people into arts, entertainment and pop culture with original programming, acclaimed drama series, movies, comedy and music specials, and by showing a whole different side of celebrities. GENRE(S) OF PROGRAMMING: Arts, Drama, Comedy, Music, Reality TARGET […]

August 16, 2006

BET Performance/Schedule Analysis – November 2007

NETWORK: BET (Black Entertainment Television) NETWORK TAGLINE: “It’s My Thing” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: BET connects with young African American viewers, taking a leadership role as the media and entertainment brand for African Americans and consumers of Black culture. Core programming is comprised of reality series, urban-oriented movies, hip-hop and R&B music videos as well as […]

August 16, 2006

BET Performance/Schedule Analysis – March 2008

NETWORK: BET (Black Entertainment Television) NETWORK TAGLINE: “It’s My Thing” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: BET connects with young African American viewers, taking a leadership role as the media and entertainment brand for African Americans and consumers of Black culture. Core programming is comprised of reality series, urban-oriented movies, hip-hop and R&B music videos as well as […]

August 16, 2006

BET Performance/Schedule Analysis – October 2007

NETWORK: BET (Black Entertainment Television) NETWORK TAGLINE: “It’s My Thing” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: BET connects with young African American viewers, taking a leadership role as the media and entertainment brand for African Americans and consumers of Black culture. Core programming is comprised of reality series, urban-oriented movies, hip-hop and R&B music videos as well as […]

August 16, 2006

BET Performance/Schedule Analysis – June 2007

NETWORK: BET (Black Entertainment Television) NETWORK TAGLINE: “It’s My Thing” DESCRIPTION OF NETWORK: BET connects with young African American viewers, taking a leadership role as the media and entertainment brand for African Americans and consumers of Black culture. Core programming is comprised of reality series, urban-oriented movies, hip-hop and R&B music videos as well as […]

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