Key insights from this report:
It’s been pretty well publicized that FOX broadcast entertainment programs, both vets and rookies, haven’t performed up to par this season in terms of Live+Same Day Nielsen ratings. The network remains in 4th place, and it hasn’t been able to gain momentum this year within the P 18-49 demo, one that has traditionally gravitated to the network and allowed it to stand out against its older-skewing broadcast competitors.
But today’s report looks at the positives, specifically the performances of FOX’s cable television networks. In addition to the FX Networks and National Geographic Channels,we’ll also examine Fox Sports 1 and Fox News Channel. How has each channel performed in 2014 versus 2013? How do they stack up against networks in other cable network groups? In which demographics have FOX’s channels improved where others haven’t (Hint: FXX averaged 20,000 F 18-34 viewers in primetime from January to December of 2013. The network has averaged 50,000 F 18-34 viewers in 2014 to-date.) Which are the most popular programs on each channel? This is one of the more ambitious reports Ratings Intelligence has taken on since it’s relaunch in September, but we’ll see what, if any, commonalities we can find among members of the Fox Cable Networks Group, and if said performance gives the company reason to be positive amid a poor performance from its broadcast network in 2014.
Fox Cable Networks Year To-Date Averages (HH%, P 18-49, P 25-54)
Here are the network primetime ratings averages using Live+3 data:
Fox News has the highest household rating in primetime of the 6 Fox cable networks measured. The network averages a 1.22 in primetime (Live+3), with FX following in second, Nat Geo third, FS1 and FXX neck-and-neck for 4th/5th and Nat Geo WILD bringing up the rear. The order is slightly different looking at the P 18-49 demo. Fox News plummets to a .17 rating, tied with Nat Geo Channel. FX is far-and-away #1 with a .56 rating. FXX moves past FS1 in P 18-49 and Nat Geo WILD remains 6th. In P 25-54, FX remains in 1st with a .58. Fox News improves a tiny bit with a .26 average, followed by Nat Geo, FXX, FS1 and Nat Geo Wild. FXX is the only one of the 6 to average a higher P 18-49 rating than 25-54.
Let’s take a look at the household ratings for these networks on a quarterly basis in 2014:
Fox Cable Networks Quarterly Primetime Household Averages (Live+3)
Fox News saw a dip from Q1 to Q2, but had a solid second half of the year and has peaked in the demo this quarter to-date.
FS1 saw a bit of a decline from Qs 1-3, but a strong October performance buoyed by the MLB playoffs and the return of college football undoubtedly boosted household ratings this quarter.
FX got off to a solid start, but then plummeted in the second quarter. The household ratings picked back up in the second half of the year thanks to popular dramas Sons of Anarchy and American Horror Story.
FXX got off to a slow start this year, but has steadily improved throughout with its comedy slate.
Nat Geo Channel has been a bit all of the place. It’s the only network out of the six to have the second quarter be its highest-rated of the year. And Nat Geo Wild is back up after a mediocre Q2 and Q3.
Fox News and Fox Sports 1 have closed the year in style, with 4Q being their highest rated of the year. There is still time for FX, FXX, Nat Geo Channel and Nat Geo Wild to make Q4 their strongest of the year.
Below is an expanded version of the above in table-form. This one shows average demo impressions and male/female ratings/impressions:
Primetime 2014 To-Date:
Media Selection | P 2+ Proj (000s) | P 18-49 Proj (000s) | M 18-49 Proj (000s) | M 18-49 Rtg % | F 18-49 Proj (000s) | F 18-49 Rtg % | P 25-54 Proj (000s) | M 25-54 Proj (000s) | M 25-54 Rtg % | F 25-54 Proj (000s) | F 25-54 Rtg% |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | 1790 | 210 | 117 | 0.19 | 92 | 0.14 | 310 | 172 | 0.29 | 138 | 0.23 |
FX | 1351 | 713 | 387 | 0.62 | 326 | 0.51 | 690 | 374 | 0.64 | 316 | 0.52 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 526 | 215 | 131 | 0.21 | 84 | 0.13 | 246 | 152 | 0.26 | 94 | 0.16 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | 340 | 137 | 97 | 0.15 | 41 | 0.06 | 151 | 106 | 0.18 | 45 | 0.07 |
FXX | 329 | 186 | 99 | 0.16 | 87 | 0.14 | 164 | 91 | 0.15 | 73 | 0.12 |
NAT GEO WILD | 244 | 75 | 36 | 0.06 | 39 | 0.06 | 91 | 46 | 0.08 | 45 | 0.07 |
Fox News is #1 in total viewership, averaging almost 1.8 million total viewers per episode in primetime. FX blows the other five out of the water when it comes to persons 18-49 viewership. Nat Geo moves ahead of Fox News here as well. Five of the six networks have a male skew when it comes to 18-49 viewership. Nat Geo WILD is the exception, and it’s skew is almost 50/50. The following may be surprising, but Fox News averages more female viewers 18-49 than Nat Geo and FXX. FX remains the #1 channel when it comes to persons 25-54, and all six channels have a male skew in this demo. In general, it appears that Fox News has a more even gender distribution than Nat Geo, and FXX has a more even gender distribution than FX.
How do these numbers differ from each channel’s 2013 performance? The below measurements show network performance from December 31 2012 – December 29, 2013. The 2014 table above only goes from December 30, 2013 – December 8th 2014. 2014 is not complete and it’s possible that the averages could change.
Fox Cable Networks 2013 Primetime Performance
Media Selection | P 2+ Proj (000s) | P 18-49 Proj (000s) | M 18-49 Proj (000s) | M 18-49 Rtg% | F 18-49 Proj (000s) | F 18-49 Rtg% | P 25-54 Proj (000s) | M 25-54 Proj (000s) | M 25-54 Rtg% | F 25-54 Proj (000s) | F 25-54 Rtg% |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | 1783 | 209 | 125 | 0.20 | 84 | 0.13 | 301 | 165 | 0.28 | 136 | 0.22 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | 245 | 110 | 79 | 0.13 | 31 | 0.05 | 123 | 87 | 0.15 | 35 | 0.06 |
FX | 1433 | 779 | 433 | 0.69 | 346 | 0.54 | 743 | 415 | 0.71 | 328 | 0.54 |
FXX | 158 | 99 | 57 | 0.09 | 42 | 0.07 | 93 | 53 | 0.09 | 40 | 0.07 |
NAT GEO WILD | 197 | 63 | 31 | 0.05 | 32 | 0.05 | 78 | 41 | 0.07 | 37 | 0.06 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 529 | 220 | 133 | 0.21 | 87 | 0.14 | 256 | 157 | 0.27 | 99 | 0.16 |
It appears that for now, Fox News is about stable compared 2013 in terms of total viewership, but the gender skew has changed a bit. Even though persons 18-49 impressions have stayed stable, more females 18-49 are tuning in than they did last year, and male 18-49 viewership is down. Additionally, Fox News seems to be experiencing a slight improvement in 25-54 viewership, specifically in male viewers. But let’s not get too extreme…the network’s average viewer age in primetime is still 65+.
Over on FX, viewership across the board is down this year to-date compared with the entirety of 2013. Even though the network remains majority male, the skew is a bit closer because the decrease in female viewership hasn’t been quite as significant as the decrease in male viewership.
Compared with 2013, Nat Geo Channel is a bit down in average total viewership in 2014 across all demos, including average total viewership P2+ (529,000 vs. 526,000).
While the vets like FX and NGC may be down, Fox’s smaller, niche networks have improved. This fact cannot be overlooked. FXX has doubled its average total viewership numbers in primetime this year to-date. As mentioned earlier in the report, the recurring Simpsons Marathon, and new episodes of The League have given the network a nice lift this year. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia returns next month to FXX and that should continue to boost average for the network. Male-skewing comedy isn’t dead just yet.
Fox Sports 1 also improved in 2014 with boosts from its live event programming. The programming slate was still rather barren when the network kicked off last August, but this year’s success has received assistance from live event programming and the UFC (as we’ll see below). Its studio shows, including the 11pm ET Fox Sports Live, still don’t perform well.
Nat Geo WILD is also up from last year. We’ll see which programs have helped boost the respective networks:
Fox Cable Network s’ Top 10 Primetime Programs: P2+, P 18-49, P 25-54
Originator | Program | P 2+ Proj (000s) | P 18-49 Rtg% | P 18-49 Proj (000s) | P 25-54 Rtg% | P 25-54 Proj (000s) |
FX | SONS OF ANARCHY | 7040 | 3.68 | 4672 | 4.00 | 4780 |
FX | AMERICAN HORROR STORY | 6974 | 3.61 | 4584 | 3.31 | 3963 |
FX | STRAIN | 3815 | 1.74 | 2205 | 1.86 | 2226 |
FX | JUSTIFIED | 3732 | 1.31 | 1664 | 1.52 | 1822 |
FX | FARGO | 3418 | 1.09 | 1387 | 1.30 | 1554 |
FX | TYRANT | 2675 | 0.96 | 1216 | 1.08 | 1289 |
FX | AMERICANS | 2433 | 0.84 | 1066 | 0.99 | 1181 |
FX | THE BRIDGE (CANCELLED) | 2087 | 0.66 | 844 | 0.85 | 1013 |
FX | ARCHER | 1799 | 1.10 | 1397 | 0.94 | 1125 |
FX | PARTNERS | 1040 | 0.33 | 425 | 0.40 | 475 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | AMERICAS ELECTION HQ | 6301 | 1.02 | 1290 | 1.39 | 1661 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | STATE OF THE UNION 2014 | 4728 | 0.91 | 1156 | 1.00 | 1198 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | ST UNION/REP RESPONSE | 4573 | 0.71 | 895 | 0.89 | 1065 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | ST UNION/ANALYSIS | 4168 | 0.65 | 820 | 0.81 | 972 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | MAN WHO KILLED BIN LADEN | 3331 | 0.38 | 479 | 0.53 | 639 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | SR/ELECTION-HSE MAJ LDR | 2798 | 0.29 | 374 | 0.42 | 502 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | THE OREILLY FACTOR | 2734 | 0.23 | 290 | 0.37 | 444 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | SR/OBAMA-IRAQ HUM EFFORTS | 2722 | 0.25 | 319 | 0.37 | 446 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | SR/FT. HOOD SHOOTING CVG | 2362 | 0.25 | 315 | 0.38 | 460 |
FOX NEWS CHANNEL | KELLY FILE, THE | 2248 | 0.21 | 262 | 0.32 | 386 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | MLB NL CHAMPIONS SERIES L | 4791 | 1.22 | 1549 | 1.40 | 1674 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | NASCAR SPRINT CUP RACIN L | 3658 | 0.91 | 1153 | 1.28 | 1535 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | MLB NL DIVISION SERIES L | 3432 | 0.91 | 1152 | 1.06 | 1268 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | NASCAR WINNERS CIRCLE L | 2877 | 0.89 | 1124 | 1.14 | 1366 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | NASCAR VICTORY LANE L | 1195 | 0.34 | 431 | 0.46 | 547 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | ULTIMATE FIGHTER FINALE L | 1132 | 0.59 | 752 | 0.62 | 744 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | UFC FIGHT NIGHT L | 961 | 0.46 | 589 | 0.48 | 580 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | UFC PPV PRELIMS L | 790 | 0.36 | 463 | 0.41 | 494 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | COLL FOOTBALL: PAC 12 L | 763 | 0.26 | 332 | 0.30 | 354 |
FOX SPORTS 1 | ULTIMATE FIGHTER | 758 | 0.41 | 516 | 0.42 | 504 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | LIFE BELOW ZERO | 1559 | 0.42 | 540 | 0.54 | 651 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | WICKED TUNA | 1410 | 0.52 | 661 | 0.64 | 771 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | LIFE BELOW COMPILATION | 1190 | 0.28 | 360 | 0.36 | 428 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | BRAIN GAMES | 1122 | 0.42 | 533 | 0.45 | 533 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | WICKED TUNA: NORTH SOUTH | 1062 | 0.39 | 493 | 0.49 | 584 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | ULTIMATE SURVIVAL ALASKA | 1025 | 0.39 | 501 | 0.47 | 561 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | ALASKA STATE TROOPERS | 963 | 0.25 | 315 | 0.33 | 398 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | LIVE FREE OR DIE | 891 | 0.29 | 371 | 0.36 | 430 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | INSIDE COMBAT RESCUE | 884 | 0.28 | 353 | 0.38 | 456 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 90S: LAST GREAT DECADE | 851 | 0.42 | 534 | 0.46 | 549 |
NAT GEO WILD | INCREDIBLE DR POL | 905 | 0.22 | 279 | 0.29 | 342 |
NAT GEO WILD | KINGDOM OF THE APES | 699 | 0.18 | 224 | 0.21 | 255 |
NAT GEO WILD | MAN V. LION | 637 | 0.21 | 268 | 0.22 | 263 |
NAT GEO WILD | DR. KS EXOTIC ANIMAL ER | 631 | 0.16 | 204 | 0.20 | 236 |
NAT GEO WILD | DR. OAKLEY, YUKON VET | 630 | 0.12 | 148 | 0.16 | 196 |
NAT GEO WILD | YUKON VET | 483 | 0.09 | 115 | 0.13 | 157 |
NAT GEO WILD | ULTIMATE HONEY BADGER | 479 | 0.14 | 173 | 0.18 | 211 |
NAT GEO WILD | DR. POL: DEJA MOO! | 475 | 0.10 | 133 | 0.14 | 163 |
NAT GEO WILD | WE MOVE ANIMALS | 475 | 0.08 | 107 | 0.13 | 150 |
NAT GEO WILD | NILE | 467 | 0.07 | 92 | 0.11 | 136 |
FXX | SIMPSONS MARA | 1338 | 0.67 | 854 | 0.55 | 658 |
FXX | SIMPSONS HALLOWEEN MARA | 825 | 0.37 | 468 | 0.36 | 430 |
FXX | LEAGUE | 782 | 0.54 | 691 | 0.52 | 616 |
FXX | SIMPSONS | 459 | 0.22 | 279 | 0.18 | 218 |
FXX | COSMOS: SPACETIME ODYSSEY | 301 | 0.12 | 156 | 0.14 | 166 |
FXX | FXX MOVIE LATE | 273 | 0.12 | 153 | 0.12 | 143 |
FXX | LEGIT (CANCELLED) | 251 | 0.13 | 171 | 0.14 | 164 |
FXX | FXX MOVIE PRIME | 249 | 0.10 | 128 | 0.10 | 122 |
FXX | WILFRED | 225 | 0.13 | 169 | 0.12 | 145 |
FXX | ALI G: REZURECTION | 149 | 0.09 | 115 | 0.08 | 98 |
As has been shown throughout the report, FOX has some valuable assets in its cable properties. Tell numbers tell the story. After a slow start in 2013, Fox Sports 1 is beginning to gain some momentum, buoyed by their live event programming like NASCAR, NCAA college football, the MLB playoffs and UFC programming. Their studio shows and original shows still continue to struggle.
FXX is another rebranded network on the rise. The Simpsons marathons have scored superb numbers, and The League has expanded its reach to attract a nice female audience in addition to its traditional male base. A new season of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia airs on FXX in January, which should boost the network’s prospects even more.
FX continues to be a top 10 cable network, scoring especially high marks with the 18-49 demo. Sons of Anarchy continues to be one of the most popular shows on television, but the venerable series came to an end last night. With American Horror Story down a bit this year, it remains to be seen what FX will come up with next on the drama front. Fargo was a revelation, but is done. Justified kicks off its final season next month, and season 2 of The Bridge didn’t perform up to the network’s expectations for an expensive scripted drama, getting before season 3 as a result. This is a pivotal time for the network.
Fox News is another network on the rise, when so many others are on the decline. The network averages have been boosted by election-related programming, like America’s Election Headquarters, November’s events in Ferguson, The O’Reilly Factor, and the overall positive ratings garnered by Megyn Kelly’s studio program The Kelly File.
NGC has a ton of new series that recently premiered, in addition to last year’s anchors Life Below Zero and Drugs Inc. Wicked Tuna has become a successful series for the network, and Brain Games has continued to tread water. More more Nat Geo Channel-related info, click on the following link: (sub required).
Nat Geo WILD’s signature series has been (and continues to be) The Incredible Dr. Pol . The series, which premiered in 2011, follows Dutch veterinarian Jan Pol and his family and employees at his veterinarian office in rural Beal City, Michigan.The program averaged almost 1 million viewers per episode this year (Live+3 data). Kingdom of the Apes and Man vs. Lion also perform well for the network in 2014. WILD is rumored to be expanding its Sunday night programming slate based on a new partnership with Disney. The network is looking to expand its viewer base, adding more content that falls into the “family” realm. Kid-friendly animal shows may be next for WILD in 2015.
it will be interesting to see how the channels finish up the last couple weeks of the year and their collective Q1 performance in 2015.
Fox Cable Networks vs. Turner Broadcasting System in 2014 Primetime (Live+3)
Here’s a quick comparison between the Fox cable networks and the Turner Broadcasting System networks:
Media Selection | Households Proj (000s) | Households Rtg % | P 18-49 Proj (000s) | P 18-49 Rtg % | P 25-54 Proj (000s) | P 25-54 Rtg% | |
TNT | 1504 | 1.30 | 709 | 0.56 | 780 | 0.65 | |
FOX NEWS | 1416 | 1.22 | 210 | 0.17 | 310 | 0.26 | |
TBS | 1352 | 1.17 | 907 | 0.71 | 926 | 0.77 | |
FX | 993 | 0.86 | 713 | 0.56 | 690 | 0.58 | |
CARTOON NETWORK | 920 | 0.79 | 309 | 0.24 | 250 | 0.21 | |
ADULT SWIM | 838 | 0.72 | 529 | 0.42 | 389 | 0.32 | |
TRUTV | 448 | 0.39 | 285 | 0.22 | 294 | 0.25 | |
CNN | 436 | 0.38 | 149 | 0.12 | 187 | 0.16 | |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 396 | 0.34 | 215 | 0.17 | 246 | 0.21 | |
HLN | 287 | 0.25 | 92 | 0.07 | 118 | 0.10 | |
FOX SPORTS 1 | 246 | 0.21 | 137 | 0.11 | 151 | 0.13 | |
FXX | 230 | 0.20 | 186 | 0.15 | 164 | 0.14 | |
NAT GEO WILD | 179 | 0.15 | 75 | 0.06 | 91 | 0.08 | |
BOOMERANG | 121 | 0.10 | 48 | 0.04 | 39 | 0.03 | |
FX MOVIE CHANNEL | 96 | 0.08 | 52 | 0.04 | 57 | 0.05 | |
FOX DEPORTES | 49 | 0.04 | 38 | 0.03 | 36 | 0.03 | |
FOX BUSINESS NETWORK | 37 | 0.03 | 8 | 0.01 | 10 | 0.01 | |
FOX SPORTS 2 | 16 | 0.01 | 11 | 0.01 | 13 | 0.01 |
TNT averages the most households of any of the 18 measured networks in primetime (10 Fox, 8 Turner), with Fox News not far behind. TBS, FX and Cartoon Network round out the top 5. Three of the top 10 networks in terms of households come from the Fox side. TBS is #1 in P 18-49, with FX right behind at #2. 4 of the top 10 P 18-49 networks are Fox. The number is the same among P 25-54, although TBS and TNT take the top 2 spots in front of FX.