Latest Reports Featuring PBS

All Results: Ratings, Analysis, Graphs and Reports Including PBS

Network Rankings: December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016

…  of 12/28/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 64.59999999999999 0.39 497 Week of …  of 12/28/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 65+ 0.33 417 Week of …

Network Weekly Rankings: December 21 – December 27, 2015

…  of 12/21/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.20 249 Week of 12/21/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.14 173 Week of …

Shoot an Eye Out, or Shoot a Ball in (Christmas Day TV)

…  Wayne slate). TBS = Re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. PBS = Re-runs of Downton Abbey Christmas Day 2015: Shows to Look Out …

Network Rankings: Viewers Voted for CNN in Primetime

…  of 12/14/2015 ALL PBS STATIONS 0.17 221 Week of …  of 12/14/2015 PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.13 159 Week of …

Network Rankings: ESPN is Leader of the Cable Pack

…  of 12/07/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.15 193 Week of 12/07/2015 Cable …  of 12/07/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.10 129 Week of …

Weekly Network Rankings: Movies Provide Ratings Joy for ABC Family

…  of 11/30/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.14 181 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable …

Weekly Network Rankings: Nothing Dead About AMC’s Ratings

…  of 11/23/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.22 285 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable …  of 11/23/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.16 209 Week of …

Weekly Network Rankings: Viewers Connected with Cable

…  of 11/16/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.20 257 Week of 11/16/2015 Cable …  of 11/16/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.16 202 Week of …

For TV – Peacock, Not Turkey, Rules Thanksgiving

…  AM 9:59 AM 0.48 612 PBS DANIEL TIGERS NEIGHBORHD N/A 11/27/2014 9:00 AM 9:29 …  Day ALL PBS STATIONS 0.13 0.15 -12.6% 685 851 -19.5% Total Day ION …  Day PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.09 0.11 -18.0% 507 673 -24.7% Total …

Weekly Network Rankings: Fox Business Earns Top Five Spot

…  of 11/09/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.21 268 Week of 11/09/2015 Cable …  of 11/09/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.16 198 Week of …

Weekly Network Ranker: ABC, NBC, CBS Rebound After Rough Week

…  of 11/02/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.21 267 Week of 11/02/2015 Cable …  of 11/02/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.16 207 Week of …

Weekly Network Ranker: FOX Ratings are a Home Run!

…  of 10/26/2015 Broadcast Prime ALL PBS STATIONS 0.19 242 Week of 10/26/2015 Cable …  of 10/26/2015 Broadcast Prime PBS PRIMARY NTWK AFFIL 0.14 173 Week of …

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