Esquire Network

Latest Reports Featuring Esquire Network

All Results: Ratings, Analysis, Graphs and Reports Including Esquire Network

Network Rankings: December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016

Network Performance in Primetime: 12/28/15 – 1/3/16 It was a solid week for The Worldwide Leader in sports, as the network finished #1 by a significant margin thanks to its college football …  of 12/28/2015 Cable Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 36.9 0.05 67 0.06 69 136 Week of 12/28/2015 Cable …

Network Weekly Rankings: December 21 – December 27, 2015

Network Performance in Primetime: 12/21/15 – 12/27/15 All Nielsen-Measured Networks Sorted by Adults 18-49, Live+SD Data: Dates Daypart Viewing …  of 12/21/2015 Cable Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.04 56 0.06 70 149 Week of 12/21/2015 Cable …

The Ratings Intelligence Year-End Report (Cable Edition)

…  the year’s highest-rated and most-watched primetime cable networks. Live+seven-day data will be utilized throughout this report in order …  look at year-end ratings for 118 Nielsen-measured cable networks, showing the winners and losers when it came to primetime performance …  Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.04 54 0.05 58 0.05 55 0.05 59 112 119 Cable …

Cable Network Coverage Area Household Universe Estimates: January 2016

…  January 2016 household universe estimate for each cable network measured by Nielsen. The total U.S. household estimate for the month is …  U.S. 116400 ESPNU 71226 NICK-AT-NITE 92056 ESQUIRE NETWORK (Formerly STYLE) 68162 NICKELODEON 92056 FM (formerly …

Network Rankings: Viewers Voted for CNN in Primetime

Network Performance in Primetime: 12/14/15 – 12/20/15 As has become custom over the 2015-2016 season to-date, NBC was the highest-rated network of the week in primetime, and CBS took the #1 spot in overall …  of 12/14/2015 ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.04 45 0.04 46 103 Week of 12/14/2015 AMERICAN …

The 2015 Millennial Report

…  show the highest-rated programs and the highest-rated networks when it comes to this coveted demographic.  Yes, a good deal of cable networks have lost millennial viewers this year, but there are some notable …  Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 20 24 20% 21 25 19% 21 26 24% Cable …

Network Rankings: ESPN is Leader of the Cable Pack

Network Performance in Primetime: 12/7/15 – 12/13/15 The Top Ten Despite …  a point from the previous week, NBC was the #1 primetime network for the week ending December 13th (2.1 in P 18-49). NBC was also the …  of 12/07/2015 Cable Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.03 36 0.03 38 80 Week of 12/07/2015 Cable …

Weekly Network Rankings: Movies Provide Ratings Joy for ABC Family

Network Performance in Primetime: 11/30/15 – 12/6/15  NBC won the week in primetime once again, despite being down week-to-week. The network was anchored by Sunday Night Football, The Voice and special …  of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.05 69 0.06 69 135 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable …

Weekly Network Rankings: Nothing Dead About AMC’s Ratings

Network Performance in Primetime: 11/23/15 – 11/29/15 NBC won the week in primetime …  up a full rating point from the previous week. The network averaged over 10.5 million viewers in total, significantly up from the …  of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.02 25 0.02 26 48 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable …

The Ratings Intelligence November Report

…  Ratings Intelligence report focuses on cable program and network ratings from the month of November. Primetime, live + same day ratings … 84 MAXPRIME 42 49 76 46 56 75 90 103 141 ESQUIRE NETWORK 42 55 45 47 56 45 90 120 83 FOX DEPORTES 42 25  …

Weekly Network Rankings: Viewers Connected with Cable

Network Performance in Primetime: 11/16/15 – 11/22/15 NBC was the #1 network of the week in Adults 18-49, though it was down by two-tenths from the …  of 11/16/2015 Cable Prime ESQUIRE NETWORK 0.03 40 0.04 48 90 Week of 11/16/2015 Cable …

Company Closeup: Bravo Claps For Live + 3 Ratings

…  ratings trends for six NBCUniversal cable entertainment networks: Bravo, Syfy, USA, E!, Esquire, and Oxygen. Out of these six, we will find out who’s winning the …

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