Latest Reports Featuring ESPN2

All Results: Ratings, Analysis, Graphs and Reports Including ESPN2

Network Rankings: December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016

…  of 12/28/2015 Cable Prime ESPN2 54.8 0.11 136 0.13 149 393 Week of 12/28/2015 Cable …

Network Weekly Rankings: December 21 – December 27, 2015

…  of 12/21/2015 Cable Prime ESPN2 0.10 129 0.12 145 389 Week of 12/21/2015 Cable …

“Top 100 Shows” – Monday, December 28 2015

…  PM MONDAY (R)(E-A)(P-A) 0.4 485 0.4 423 836 ESPN2 COLL FTBL BOWL GAME L 12/28/2015 5:00 …  PM MONDAY (R)(E-O)(P-O) 0.2 287 0.2 259 1364 ESPN2 COLL FTBL SCOREBOARD L 12/28/2015 8:07 …

“Top 100 Shows” – Saturday, December 26 2015

…  PM SATURDAY (R)(E-O)(P-O) 0.36 462 ESPN2 COLL FTBL BOWL GAME L 12/26/2015 9:15 PM SATURDAY (L)(E-O)(P-O) 0.36 …

The Ratings Intelligence Year-End Report (Cable Edition)

…  Prime ESPN2 0.12 153 0.12 155 0.13 160 0.14 163 429 437 Cable …

Cable Network Coverage Area Household Universe Estimates: January 2016

…  NETWORK 70126 ADS 35019 ESPN2 91265 NICK JR (Formerly NOGGIN) 73087 TOTAL …

Network Rankings: Viewers Voted for CNN in Primetime

…  of 12/14/2015 ESPN2 0.13 161 0.13 160 411 Week of …

The 2015 Millennial Report

…  1 53 72 36% 58 75 29% 59 76 29% Cable Prime ESPN2 78 70 -10% 79 70 -11% 80 70 -13% Cable Prime NATIONAL …  PM 30 02/17/2015 12/01/2015 (P)(E-O)(P-O) 1.20 813 ESPN2 Total Day COLL FTBL BOWL GAME L FRIDAY 10:24 PM 2 01/01/2015 01/02/ …

Network Rankings: ESPN is Leader of the Cable Pack

…  of 12/07/2015 Cable Prime ESPN2 0.12 148 0.13 156 442 Week of 12/07/2015 Cable …

“Top 100 Shows” – Monday, December 7 2015

…  PM MONDAY (R)(E-O)(P-O) 0.31 391 0.27 315 599 ESPN2 FIRST TAKE L 12/07/2015 10:00 …

Weekly Network Rankings: Movies Provide Ratings Joy for ABC Family

…  of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime ESPN2 0.11 134 0.13 150 448 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime NICK …

Weekly Network Rankings: Nothing Dead About AMC’s Ratings

…  of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime ESPN2 0.11 139 0.11 133 417 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime TV …

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