Disney XD

Latest Reports Featuring Disney XD

All Results: Ratings, Analysis, Graphs and Reports Including Disney XD

Network Rankings: December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016

…  total viewers for cable followed by HGTV, USA, Discovery, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Hallmark Channel, History, and Encore. All …  of 12/28/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 12.1 0.26 334 Week of 12/28/2015 Cable …  of 12/28/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY XD 11.7 0.04 50 0.04 52 254 Week of 12/28/2015 Cable …

Network Weekly Rankings: December 21 – December 27, 2015

…  of 12/21/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 0.27 347 Week of 12/21/2015 Cable …  of 12/21/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY JUNIOR 0.11 137 0.10 124 504 Week of 12/21/2015 Cable …  of 12/21/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY XD 0.06 82 0.06 77 291 Week of 12/21/2015 Cable …

The Ratings Intelligence Year-End Report (Cable Edition)

…  PM 02/02/2015 07/13/2015 20 53.3 0.86 1088 3018 DISNEY CHANNEL Cable Prime GIRL MEETS WORLD FRIDAY 8:30 PM 01/09/2015 12/0 …  Prime DISNEY …  Prime DISNEY JUNIOR 0.13 169 0.14 177 0.13 154 0.13 161 597 617 Cable …  Prime DISNEY XD 0.06 75 0.06 81 0.06 69 0.06 75 348 368 Cable Prime WGN …

Cable Network Coverage Area Household Universe Estimates: January 2016

…  FIT & HEALTH) 46609 MSNBC 92076 VH1 90200 DISNEY CHANNEL 93904 MTV (Formerly MTV: MUSIC TELEVISION) 90607 VH1 CLASSIC 56220 DISNEY JUNIOR 74069 MTV2 77157 WE TV (Formerly Womens Entertainment) 86492 DISNEY XD (Formerly TOON DISNEY) 77561 MULTIMAX 21298 WGN AMERICA (Formerly …

“Top 100 Shows” – Thursday, December 24 2015

…  PM THURSDAY (R)(P-O) 0.24 303 DISNEY CHANNEL GLC, ITS CHRISTMAS! 12/24/2015 8:00 PM THURSDAY (R)(M)(E-O)(P-O) 0.23 295 DISNEY CHANNEL AUSTIN & JESSIE & ALLY NY 12/24/2015 9:30 …  XD DISNEYS A CHRISTMAS CAROL 12/24/2015 9:00 …

Network Rankings: Viewers Voted for CNN in Primetime

…  of 12/14/2015 DISNEY CHANNEL 0.22 273 Week of …  of 12/14/2015 DISNEY JUNIOR 0.13 167 0.13 155 554 Week of …  of 12/14/2015 DISNEY XD 0.05 64 0.05 62 300 Week of 12/14/2015 WGN …

The 2015 Millennial Report

…  Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 221 195 -12% 230 203 -12% 233 207 -11% Cable …  Prime DISNEY JUNIOR 99 103 4% 102 106 4% 102 107 5% Cable Prime HBO …  Prime DISNEY XD 37 35 -5% 39 37 -5% 39 38 -3% Cable …

Network Rankings: ESPN is Leader of the Cable Pack

…  by Fox News, Discovery, Hallmark Channel, USA, TBS, HGTV, Disney Channel, and NFL Network. All Nielsen-Measured Networks Sorted by …  of 12/07/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 0.21 262 Week of 12/07/2015 Cable …  of 12/07/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY XD 0.04 56 0.04 53 259 Week of 12/07/2015 Cable Prime FX MOVIE …

Weekly Network Rankings: Movies Provide Ratings Joy for ABC Family

…  of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 0.22 282 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable …  of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY JUNIOR 0.13 165 0.13 154 598 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable …  of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY XD 0.04 53 0.04 49 288 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable …

Weekly Network Rankings: Nothing Dead About AMC’s Ratings

…  of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 0.33 413 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable …  of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY JUNIOR 0.12 149 0.12 139 535 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable …  of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY XD 0.06 78 0.06 75 368 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime TV …

The Ratings Intelligence November Report

…  PM (L)(E-O)(P-O) M…… 1.06 1342 1.07 1270 2863 DISNEY CHANNEL LION GUARD:RETURN OF ROAR N/A 11/22/2015 7:00 PM (S)(P)(P-O) …  WILD 64 53 91 73 66 105 205 213 284 DISNEY XD 64 64 76 61 61 72 317 318 394 DESTINATION …

Weekly Network Rankings: Viewers Connected with Cable

…  of 11/16/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY CHANNEL 0.21 266 Week of 11/16/2015 Cable …  of 11/16/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY JUNIOR 0.16 202 0.17 196 649 Week of 11/16/2015 Cable …  of 11/16/2015 Cable Prime DISNEY XD 0.05 60 0.05 55 307 Week of 11/16/2015 Cable Prime STARZ …

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