Latest Reports Featuring CNBC

All Results: Ratings, Analysis, Graphs and Reports Including CNBC

Network Rankings: December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016

…  of 12/28/2015 Cable Prime CNBC 53.5 0.12 147 0.12 147 379 Week of 12/28/2015 Broadcast …

Network Weekly Rankings: December 21 – December 27, 2015

…  of 12/21/2015 Cable Prime CNBC 0.10 131 0.11 135 357 Week of 12/21/2015 Cable …

The Ratings Intelligence Year-End Report (Cable Edition)

…  Prime CNBC 0.11 134 0.12 147 0.13 153 0.14 167 364 390 Cable …  gains in the primetime daypart: Fox News, CNN, CNBC and Fox Business. Fox Sports 2, Discovery Familia, Univision Deportes, …

Cable Network Coverage Area Household Universe Estimates: January 2016

…  NEWS 93434 THE WEATHER CHANNEL 88084 CNBC 91181 HISTORY 94018 TLC 92549 CNN (Formerly CABLE NEWS …

“Top 100 Shows” – Wednesday, December 23 2015

…  PM WEDNESDAY (R)(E-A)(P-A) 0.25 313 0.23 275 959 CNBC SHARK TANK 12/23/2015 10:00 PM WEDNESDAY (R)(E-A)(P-A) 0.24 310 0.2 …

Network Rankings: Viewers Voted for CNN in Primetime

…  of 12/14/2015 CNBC 0.11 135 0.11 128 345 Week of 12/14/2015 NICK …

“Top 100 Shows” – Tuesday, December 15 2015

…  but they’re up from the most-recent GOP debates on CNBC and Fox Business, and up from CNN’s presentation of the Democratic debate …

The 2015 Millennial Report

…  Prime CNBC 49 60 22% 52 64 23% 53 66 25% Cable …  PM 1 07/13/2015 07/13/2015 (L)(E-O)(P-O) 2.20 1492 CNBC Cable Prime REPUBLICAN PRES DEBATE MAIN WEDNESDAY 8:15 PM 1 10/28/201 …

Network Rankings: ESPN is Leader of the Cable Pack

…  of 12/07/2015 Cable Prime CNBC 0.12 148 0.13 154 387 Week of 12/07/2015 Cable …

Weekly Network Rankings: Movies Provide Ratings Joy for ABC Family

…  of 11/30/2015 Cable Prime CNBC 0.09 120 0.11 130 316 Week of 11/30/2015 Cable …

Weekly Network Rankings: Nothing Dead About AMC’s Ratings

…  of 11/23/2015 Cable Prime CNBC 0.10 123 0.12 143 329 Week of 11/23/2015 Cable …

The Ratings Intelligence November Report

…  PM (L)(E-O)(P-O) …Th… 3.06 3875 3.61 4285 8790 CNBC REPUBLICAN PRES DEBATE P2 N/A 10/28/2015 8:15 PM (P-O) ..W…. 2.64  …  PM (L)(E-O)(P-O) …Th… 2.20 2786 2.63 3123 6640 CNBC DEBATE POST SHOW N/A 10/28/2015 10:20 PM (P-O) ..W…. 2.15 2725 2 …

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